Beware circular road with this super snow because you can go completely unnoticed. Except for that course, otherwise preparing Eisenmann is incredibly striking. They have created a car with a stunning visual effect. The aerodynamic package is completely new, and specialists Eisenmann exhaust systems have given it, of course, a special sound to your engine, very roaring.
The aero package helps not only the visual effect you see, it also improves the overall functionality of the car. The carbon fiber components include new grille, front spoiler, wings, tires, cooling tickets for brakes, front splitter, rear spoiler and rear diffuser grille. The price, as is usual in these preparations, it is not available to many: to name the most expensive piece, only to see the front splitter will cost € 1,800. The rear diffuser and costs us € 3,800.
Audi R8 Spark Eight specs
Audi R8 Spark Eight face
The rear is no less spectacular than the rest, you just need to see the images to notice. Their sound can escape control by pressing a button. However, if you want something more “traditional” Eisenmann gives us an exhaust system of four stainless steel tubes can be combined with standard output in the back. This item will cost € 3,800.
Other adjustments have been made to the Audi R8 is the suspension, improved driving dynamics with a new shock absorbers, alloy wheels (to 7,300 € complete set) and new tires.
Audi R8 Spark Eight lamps